Useful Resources
This section provides descriptions of major coffee companies as well as Organic and Fair Trade Organizations (Alternative Trading Organizations), coffee websites, and Coffee Associations, Organizations, and Boards.
Here is a brief description of each section:
coffee companies
In this section we provide descriptions of details of all of the major Coffee Companies and processors who sell coffee, espresso, decaffeinated coffee, flavored coffees, Fair Trade coffee, whole bean coffee, green coffee beans, organic coffee, decaffeinated coffee; instant coffee, Arabica coffee beans, and roasted coffee.
These companies also sell coffee makers, espresso machines, automatic espresso machines, super automatic espresso machines, single serve coffee makers, coffee pods, single serve coffee pod systems, K-Cups (including coffee K-Cups), T-Discs, drip coffee makers, French Press equipment and other brewing systems as well as coffee grinders, coffee roasters, and home roasters.
The coffee companies we provide comprehensive descriptions of include: Bosch, Braun, Capresso, Cuisinart, Delonghi, Eight O'Clock Coffee, Ellis Coffee Company, Folger's Coffee Company, Gaggia, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Hills Brothers, Coffee, Illycaffe, Jacobs Coffee Company, the J.M. Smucker Company, Keurig, Kraft Foods, Krups, Lavazza, Maxwell House, Millstone Coffee Company, Nestle Company, Newman's Own Organics, Peet's Coffee & Tea, Procter & Gamble (P&G), Saeco, Seattle's Best Coffee, Senseo, Starbucks Coffee Company, Tassimo, Timothy's World Coffee.
Organic and Fair Trade Organizations
This section describes various Alternative Trading Organizations which are typically non-government organizations often aligned with Fair Trade programs and Fair Trade Certified products.
Organizations described include the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO), Organic Trade Association, Songbird Foundation, Trans Fair USA, Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (focused on Bird Friendly® coffee which comes from Shade-Grown coffee plants/coffee beans grown beneath a canopy of native trees), Alternative Trading Organizations (ATO), Transfair Canada, Transfair USA, and Equal Exchange.
Also described are the Fair Trade Federation (FTF), World Fair Trade Organization (which abides by the Ten Standards of Fair Trade), International Federation for Alternative Trade (International Fair Trade Association), Artisans Du Monde (Federation Artisans du Monde), Worldshops, Solidar'monde, Fair Trade Original, Fair Trade Shops, and the European Fair Trade Association.
coffee websites
The Coffee Websites reviewed include: American Barista & Coffee School, Best Investments Daily Coffee Newsletter, Coffee Companion,, Coffee Geek, Coffee Review, Coffee Talk, Coffee Universe, Cup of Excellence, Freshcup, Gourmet Coffee Lovers, Home-Barista, Homeroaster, Kona Historical Society, Lucidcafe Online Magazine, Roast Magazine, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, Virtual Coffee, and Wikipedia's coffee entry.
Coffee Associations, Organizations, and Boards
include the Association for Science and Information on Coffee (Association Scientifique Internationale du Cafe), Coffee Association of Canada, Coffee Board of Kenya, Coffee Corps, Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica (protecting the Jamaica Blue Mountain® trademark as well as the Jamaica High Mountain Supreme® trademark), Coffee Kids (working in Central American and Mexico), Coffee Project, Coffee Quality Institute, Coffee Research Foundation, and
Also covered in the Coffee Associations, Organizations, and Boards are the Coffee Science Information Centre (COSIC),, Colombian Coffee Federation (National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia), European Coffee Federation, Federation of Cooperatives of the Verapaces (Fedecovera, working in Guatemala), Grounds for Health (endorsed by World Health Organization and funded by Gates Foundation), Hawaii Coffee Association, Positively Coffee (part of International Coffee Organization), Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (comprised of senior executives of Illycaffe, Lavazza, Tchibo, Nestle, Sara Lee, Paulig, and Kraft), International Coffee Organization (ICO), International Women's Coffee Alliance, Kenya Coffee Research Foundation, (developing new coffee plant varietals resistant to coffee diseases), Kona Coffee Council, Kona Coffee Farmers Association, National Coffee Association (and The Coffee Reporter newsletter),
National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia (Colombian Coffee Federation), Oxfam International, Roasters Guild, and the Specialty Coffee Association of America.
Complete Guide to Premium Gourmet Coffee
Read full descriptions of all of the world's top coffees including Organic Coffee, Fair Trade Coffee, Bird Friendly Coffee and Shade-Grown Coffee and learn about Coffee Makers and Espresso Machines.
The Top Ten Coffees in the World
Perfect espresso brewing is described along with tips on Pulling A Perfect Espresso Shot and Steaming and Frothing Milk.
Also check out the How to make Lattes and Cappuccinos with comprehensive details and instructions for Espresso Drink Recipes. We even give you tips on how to write a Barista Resume and a comprehensive Coffee and Espresso Glossary along with the World's Best History of Coffee.
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Buy Gourmet Coffee Beans
- ✔️ Fresh roasted to order
- ✔️ 100% high qualtiy Arabica coffee
- ✔️ Custom grind (or whole bean)
- ✔️ 1-way valve, laminate bag (for freshness)
- ✔️ Bulk discounts
Really cool resources all in one place. Awesome info 🙂
David (
This is a great collection of useful coffee resources. This provides valuable information for hours of reading and education. Keep up the good work! Dave