Coffee Quotes - Royalty, Popes, and Presidents
“You can tell when you have crossed the frontier into Germany,” said Edward VII, “because of the badness of the coffee.”
“It is disgusting to note the increase in the quantity of coffee used by my subjects and the amount of money that goes out of the country in consequence, “said Frederick the Great adding, “Everybody is using coffee. If possible this must be prevented. My people must drink beer.”
Frederick the great continued, “His Majesty was brought up on beer, and so were his officers. Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer; and the King does not believe that coffee-drinking soldiers can be depended upon to endure hardships or to beat his enemies in case of...another war.”
“Whereas it is most apparent that the multitude of Coffee Houses of late years set up and kept within this Kingdom,” wrote England's King Charles II in his Proclamation For the Suppression of Coffee Houses, adding “and the great resort of idle and disaffected persons to them, have produced very much of their time, which might and probably would be employed in and about their Lawful Calling and Affairs..” The proclamation continued, “but also for that in such houses...divers, false, malitious, and scandalous reports are devised and spread abroad to the Defamation of His Majesty's Government, and to the disturbance of the Peace and Quiet of the Realm; his Majesty hath thought it fit and necessary, that the said Coffee Houses be (for the Future) put down and suppressed.” [This proclamation was revoked on January 8, 1676 due to citizen protests]
“If this is coffee, please bring me some tea,” said President Abraham Lincoln, adding “but if this is tea please bring me some coffee.”
“Suave molecules of Mocha stir up your blood, without causing excess heat,” said Prince Charles Maurice de Talleyrand adding, “the organ of thought receives from it a feeling of sympathy, work becomes easier and you will sit down without distress to your principal repast which will restore your body and afford you a calm, delicious night.”
“We shall prepare the coffee of reconciliation,” said Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, “through the filter of justice. Through reconciliation, streams of tears will come to our eyes.”
“Black as the devil, hot as hell,” is how Prince Charles Maurice de Talleyrand described coffee adding, “pure as an angel, sweet as love.”
“Coffee is the common man's gold,” said Sheik Abd-al-Kadir, “it brings to every person the feeling of luxury and nobility.”
Also see World's Best Coffee Quotes
Coffee and Espresso Brewing Tips
For tips on brewing the perfect cup of coffee see the Espresso Coffee Guides section on coffee brewing.
For easy to follow instructions on how to make great espresso drinks see Espresso Drink Recipes and the How to make Lattes and Cappuccinos. Also provided are tips on Pulling A Perfect Espresso Shot.
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